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RSVP of Herkimer County.

Making a difference one person at a time since 1985.



Since 1985 the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Herkimer County has served to recruit and place older adults in volunteer assignments designed to address the critical needs in our community.
AmeriCorps Seniors provides grants to organizations to engage Americans 55 years and older in volunteer service to meet critical community needs and to provide a high-quality experience for the volunteers. Organizations determine where the need is greatest and how volunteers can respond to it as long as it falls within one of AmeriCorps’ six focus areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Environmental Stewardship, Education, Healthy Futures, and Veterans & Military Members.


Since 1985 RSVP of Herkimer County has had over 1200 volunteers actively serve in our community and we are just getting started. 

Video Testimonials from Our Volunteers

RSVP Banquet 2023 Slideshow

Volunteer and Senior

Our volunteers not only help the community but they improve their own health and well-being while doing so. Studies have shown that AmeriCorps Senior Volunteers have reduced feelings of depression, loneliness, and isolation. And have built new meaningful relationships and feelings of great accomplishment and personal growth.


Thank you volunteers.

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands:

One for helping yourself, and the other for helping others."

-Audrey Hepburn

AmeriCorps Senior Pledge

I will get things done for America - to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier. When faced with a pressing challenge, I will bring Americans of all generations together to strengthen our communities. When faced with at-risk children, I will help them stay in school and on track for a brighter future. When faced with older adults in need, I will provide support and compassion so they may age with grace and dignity. Working for the greatest good, I will use my lifetime of experiences to improve my country, my community, and myself through service. I am an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer, and I will get things done.

Senior and volunteers shopping.
AmeriCorps Main logo White.

RSVP of Herkimer County

Making a difference one person at a time.


Rae Raffle-Maxson

RSVP Program Director


Phone: 315-894-9917

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